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Rabbi Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer
Rabbi Melissa Heller

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Daily Review of Religion and the Press

I highly recommend that you check frequently www.therevealer.org
or subscribe for a free daily email. This is an amazing resource that comes out of New York University. The editors of the website track a huge array of periodicals to keep track of writing about religion. But more than simply reproducing the article and the link, this website provides original commentary that is often more illuminating than the original article.
Here is how they describe what they do:
The Revealer is a daily review of religion in the news and the news about religion. We're not so much nonpartisan as polypartisan -- interested in all sides, disdainful of dualistic arguments, and enamored of free speech as a first principle. We publish and link to work by people of all persuasions, religious, political, sexual, and critical. We begin with three basic premises:
1. Belief matters, whether or not you believe. Politics, pop culture, high art, NASCAR -- everything in this world is infused with concerns about the next. As journalists, as scholars, and as ordinary folks, we cannot afford to ignore the role of religious belief in shaping our lives.
2. The press all too frequently fails to acknowledge religion, categorizing it as either innocuous spirituality or dangerous fanaticism, when more often it's both and inbetween and just plain other.
3. We deserve and need better coverage of religion: sharper thinking; deeper history; thicker description; basic theology; real storytelling.

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